I Love Belgium... and you?

jeudi, mai 24, 2007

Harry Potter and the political matters!

We are waiting for the last book of the Harry Potter series that won't be out this upcoming summer... Americans have reinvented the titles featuring the current events... Why not?!

Magic Bullet: a full-of-crap head!

It's still here! The Magic Bullet is now available outside the TV network! Don't miss it (you can't miss it anyway...but just in case). I posted this for some of my Belgian friends... ;)

Two thumbs up and your body down !!!!!

I watched this impressive movie yesterday, and I figured I would cut down on fast food! It's amazing how we destroy our body step by step -day by day! No doubt, Amercica is sinking under the weight of greasy food and fat people! I would say that it's even really scary! A two-thumbs-up movie that perfectly depicts the whole situation!