I Love Belgium... and you?

lundi, juillet 30, 2007

Miss Belgium...

Sexy lady!

Coca Cola Plus (part 2)

You've seen the design in the US, now here is the design in Europe! Merci au photographe à la fourrure jaune!

mercredi, juillet 25, 2007

And what about them?

They criticize 24/7, but it doesn't seem like they actually know why... Europeans pretend doing everything better than the Americans, but sometimes -often, Americans are way more advanced! Here is the sidewalk example: In Belgium:

In the US:

And now you probably think that it's a brand new thing right?! Nope! It's been decades! Yep! They are way ahead of Europeans...again...again...and again! And you also probably think that we just have a couple of them right? Nope! There is no one sidewalk that is still without a ramp!

mercredi, juillet 18, 2007

Foothill College's Mountain Lion

Here is the e-mail that every Foothill College (De Anza's sister college) student received today:

Foothill Fusion for Students & Community Members

UPDATE: Stay Alert While on Campus Pathways Law enforcement authorities report that a mountain lion was sighted Tuesday, July 17, in a creek bed near the Foothill College campus in Los Altos Hills. The animal was not seen on the Foothill campus. The sighting occurred in the O'Keefe Preserve in Los Altos Hills, which is located approximately 1.5 miles north of the college. Authorities recommend that students, faculty, staff and community members use caution and remain alert while walking, jogging or biking on the numerous trails and pathways that surround the 122-acre campus. Should you see a mountain lion, get to a safe location and immediately call 9-1-1.

Here is part of one of the many articles that circulate on the topic:

"Anyone who spots a mountain lion nearby should never run. Instead, make eye contact and stand your ground, and try to appear big and aggressive. Throw stones and branches without bending or turning away. If attacked, fight back".

Rue Neuve vs. Alves Drive

Here is the equivalent of what we have in downtown Brussels... Check it out sometimes... I still have the pic somewhere if needed...

mardi, juillet 17, 2007


An XXL in Europe is probably like an L here. No wander why they come up with these stupid tees.