I Love Belgium... and you?

lundi, septembre 01, 2008

Scaldis - Bush Ambrée

Hey folks!
It's been a while! Yeah, I know. But let's get down to business!
Here is an interesting thing I saw this weekend.
Bush is not Bush in the US... It's named Scaldis!
Here is the bottle:
Same font, same everything. Just the name changes. I think I might have an idea why though...
Are we thinking about the same thing?! Here is a link with different reasons why beers get aliases...: http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/604/34071
Don't forget to get a taste of it! It's simply awesome!

vendredi, mai 23, 2008

Wild fires kinda close to us...

Check this out! We were thinking about going to Santa Cruz and around this weekend, but I think we'll have to postpone the trip... Who knows? They have 20% contained at this point, but the fire is huge (3100 acres in damage): http://www.mercurynews.com/breakingnews/ci_9357531?nclick_check=1

dimanche, avril 20, 2008

What's up with this?

I've never seen that in Belgium. By the way, this was handwritten.